How to beat Covid-19?
If you are afraid of catching it, he are a few things you can do to protect yourself from the coronavirus or any virus. Everything here is evidence-based. References are at the end.
What today’s science is telling us based on recent statistics on coronavirus (5700 patients) and what you can do as a person to improve your odds against covid-19.👍
So… what are current main risk factors for Covid-19 as new data are gathered?
Common comorbidities with covid-19 cases
Hypertension is number one on the list (57%) vs 29%
BMO over 30 : (42%) vs 28%
Diabetes: (33.8%)
Heart/vascular conditions
Coronary artery disease: (11%)
Coronary Heart failure: (7%)
Respiratory conditions
Among those that remained in the hospitals: 3053/ 5700
MEDIAN age : 63 y.o. Age is obviously a factor and has everything to do with a poorer immune system.
3 were under 18 y.o. Kids are generally safe.
1564 were adults under 65 y.o
1486 were over 65 y.o
What is clear: The older you are, the weaker your immune system. 😟
What is clear: It hits not only the respiratory system BUT also the vascular system and “targets” the endothelium and causes endotheliitis.
What is clear: it is also a respiratory syndrome.
What is clear: Kids are less susceptible possibly because of their stronger innate immune system (the rapid response to an invader is obvious in kids, that is why they normally develop a fever when sick)
What can you do as person to tilt the balance in your favour against covid-19, should you face it one day:( .
Vitamin C and D have been shown to improve the immune system’s function.
QUALITY SLEEP 💤 : sleeping 7-9 hours a day boosts and regulates your immune system. Sleep deprivation can triple the odd of catching certain viruses.
proper nutrition, eating whole grain, fruits and vegetables 🍌 🍎 is essential.
Vitamin C: At generous amounts, helps, as always.
Vitamin D: Diminishes pneumonia-like symptoms and is supported by enough evidence.
Zinc: Eat beef, legumes, nuts. This works in vitro though, but zinc appears to help block the replication of the virus.
Quercetin: Onions. There is actually some scientific evidence for this. It may help in blocking ACE 2 receptors (not going into details) but this helps with endothelium function.
The last thing: Our favorite.
Exercise helps with everything!
Jog outside or buy a treadmill or a bike please!
Exercise is arguably the best thing you can do for your body. It helps with hypertension, lowers your BMI, helps with diabetes, improve lung function and cardiovascular function and can strengthen the immune system. But remember, don’t overdo it. The body needs time to adapt!
STAY AWAY FROM STRESS. Read a book! Practice meditation. Long term Stress and anxiety suppress the adaptive immune system. Everything will be fine if you focus on the things you can control and let go of things you cannot.
And when possible, please don’t social distance…PHYSICAL distance instead!
Physio Summum Laval
* Seek professional help for details on any of these chances. We are merely giving you the science.
Evidence based Reference
Evidence of the endothellium being under stress by covid 19…/PIIS0140-6736(20)30937…/fulltext
Vitamin D versus Covid 19