How to train at the gym or at home, like a boss! 5 top tips! (Master Roshi's Edition)
Top 5 monster training tips (Master Roshi’s Edition) - June 2020
1. Moving through full available Range of Motion is always better and leads to greater Hypertrophy!
2. Don’t focus on just one type of exercise such as core exercises or core stability. Exercise vs any exercise for the back leads to NO significant difference long term. Do not waste your time on core exercise every session!
3. Training near failure is often indicated especially for strength gains AND hypertrophy . However, it has been suggested to leave some fuel in the tank for strength exercises as it is generally safer! Training to near failure ensure effective reps which can stimulate hypertrophy!
4. Research has shown that increasing rest between sets lead to greater gains! Rest for 2 mins to maximize hypertrophy and rest for up to 5 mins to maximize set for strength gains.
5. Treat light weights like they are HEAVY. And treat Heavy weights like they are light. Meaning, when it’s heavy load fast. When it’s light load slowly. Also, not all reps matter. The last few are the most important! Put ALL of your spirit into EACH rep.
Physio Summum Sainte-Marthe
Put everything into EACH rep!
Schoenfeld Bj , GrGIC J : effects of range of motion on muscle development during resistance training interventions, 2020.
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Hernandez SJ et al: effect of rest interval duration on the volume completed during high-intensity bench press exercise 2020.
Sanchez-morena M et al: effects of velocity loss during body mass phone-grip pull-up training on strength and endurance performance. journal of strength and conditioning research, 2020.